Lynne Strutzel
I am excited to welcome you to St. Bede Catholic School. We are the school site for Our Lady of the Lakes Parish which includes two campuses: St. Peter’s Worship Site in Antioch and St. Bede Worship Site and school in Ingleside. Serving students in Ingleside and the surrounding suburbs since 1958, St. Bede has developed a reputation for excellence in the northwest suburban area, most recently verified by our recognition as a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence.
As a Catholic school, we recognize that our success is found in the holistic program of education offered to our students. In addition to an excellent academic program, the school provides social and physical formation, and most importantly spiritual formation through faith development and values education; therein lies the difference. An article included In the January 26th, 2020 edition of the New York Post, identifies the spiritual component as the “secret sauce” that accounts for Catholic schools' overachievement.
The strength of the values messaging is delivered throughout by faculty and staff who understand that their role is a vocation, not merely a job. They understand that they do God’s work in educating the children entrusted to them and have chosen to dedicate their lives in response to God’s call. We understand that the children are the top priority in all that we do, and in all the ways we act. Let me tell you this makes all the difference.
I encourage you to consider St. Bede School for your child and to become an active member of our school community, a welcoming, active, energized family.
I encourage you to contact the school and schedule a visit so that you can experience the difference for yourself.
Lynne Strutzel