Faith Formation
At St. Bede School, we educate the whole child, equipping each student with the intellectual, socio-emotional and spiritual foundation to thrive. It is the spiritual component which sets us apart. Since its inception, St. Bede has been committed to the moral and spiritual development of our students. We place the highest value on faith and the way it touches every aspect of our lives. The component of faith is woven into each and every day through prayer, reflection and gratitude.
We encourage students to experience the presence of God in a myriad of ways in a school environment where faith is interwoven throughout their school experience. In addition to religion classes, this includes daily prayer, weekly school Mass and Holy Day Masses in which students actively participate by proclaiming the readings and writing some of the petitions. In addition, St. Bede students may choose to participate in the children’s choir and have the experience of worshiping in community with their friends. Students also have opportunities for the sacrament of Reconciliation, for retreats, for Adoration and for community service.
We recognize that community service, an essential component of Catholicism, is essential to the student formation. During the year students will be involved in clothing drives, food drives, writing letters to the hospitalized, participating in Feed My Children evenings, assisting with food distribution to the poor through the St. Vincent DePaul Society and the list goes on. The spirit of gratitude is furthered through the students dedication to service, a dedication which strengthens our community and encourages students to share their gifts with the world.
Sacramental preparations are made in conjunction with Our Lady of the Lakes Religious Education program. Our second graders receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion in May. Confirmation preparation begins in 7th grade and culminates with the sacrament during the spring of 8th grade.